Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Microsoft TellME

So we all no that every company wants to take down "Siri" . Microsoft recently came up with the tellme service in the 7.5 mango update .
So first of all the plus points
1- You can tell it to call/send message to any contact
2- works pretty well on bing search
Now the down points
1-It actually sucks
2-if you have an american accent there will be no problem for you but for others its bad trip
3-50% of the time it doesnt even do what you tell it to say
4-Not very user interactive
In comparison we have the Siri and Google voice data . In reality nothing can beat Apple in this topic . Siri is amazing its user interactive and works flawlessly even if you have an Indian accent . But Tell me can compare to Google's voice search for now . But we do know that google will be packing up something pretty neat to take both Siri and TellMe down , but for now nothing to beat Siri

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