Siri on older devices.

UPDATE:- The best way of getting Siri on older devices is by using Spire. So please buy a proxy server and in my opinion the best Server is by Sirified. Please check it out on It is pretty fast and they also give 24 hour free trial and here is a video of it working.

UPDATE:-Video of it working and will be posting a tutorial on the blog as soon as we get 100 likes on our facebook page which is

UPDATE-Got Siri working on iPhone 4 and iPod 4G!
Will be putting a tutorial soon. It's a legal port.
Hello guys. I know you all are desperate to get Siri working on your older iOS devices. So in will keep updating this page with the latest Siri news. Currently i was able to decrypt the iOS 5.0.1 4S ipsw and now trying to grab the identifier. Will keep you updated. Keep checking!